/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_bottle --lat_start eq 61.7838-- Level 1

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# Niskin Bottle Data from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 28 March 2013
# Note: BCO-DMO added cast,from
#    ime_start, lat_start, lon_start headers.   the CTD file headers.
cast  date_gmt  time_start  lat_start  lon_start  
64    20120703  1008        61.7838    -33.4555   
bottle  time_gmt  press_avg  press_sd  press_min  press_max  depth_avg  depth_sd  depth_min  depth_max  potemp   potemp2  sal       sal2       O2        O2_sat_pcnt  sigma_0  sigma_0_2  sigma_t  sigma_t_2  temp_avg  temp_sd  temp_min  temp_max  temp2_avg  temp2_sd  temp2_min  temp2_max  cond_avg  cond_sd   cond_min  cond_max  cond2_avg  cond2_sd  cond2_min  cond2_max  O2_v_avg  O2_v_sd  O2_v_min  O2_v_max  trans_avg  trans_sd  trans_min  trans_max  beam_c_avg  beam_c_sd  beam_c_min  beam_c_max  fluor_avg  fluor_sd  fluor_min  fluor_max  turbidity_avg  turbidity_sd  turbidity_min  turbidity_max  scan_avg  scan_sd  scan_min  scan_max  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
1       1012.93   39.113     0.313     38.608     39.519     38.735     0.310     38.235     39.137     6.7930   6.7913   35.0139   35.0141    6.73724   99.34352     27.4584  27.4588    27.4580  27.4584    6.7965    0.0122   6.7790    6.8150    6.7949     0.0170    6.7751     6.8250     3.512738  0.001063  3.511186  3.514313  3.512608   0.001472  3.510893   3.515131   2.3256    0.0010   2.3236    2.3273    93.3368    0.2142    93.0810    93.6722    0.2759      0.0092     0.2615      0.2868      2.3045     0.0704    2.1720     2.4064     0.6393369      0.0136905     0.6024444      0.6610525      7153      35       7093      7213      2012-07-03T10:12:56Z  
2       1013.23   39.332     0.369     38.659     39.794     38.952     0.365     38.286     39.409     6.7492   6.7419   35.0152   35.0165    6.73515   99.21393     27.4654  27.4675    27.4650  27.4670    6.7528    0.0334   6.7098    6.8012    6.7455     0.0323    6.7056     6.7945     3.508834  0.002964  3.504987  3.513163  3.508284   0.002851  3.504683   3.512546   2.3244    0.0019   2.3199    2.3273    93.6279    0.2505    93.2867    93.9807    0.2634      0.0107     0.2483      0.2780      2.3035     0.0530    2.2379     2.3845     0.6344125      0.0322600     0.5951184      0.6927985      7596      35       7536      7656      2012-07-03T10:13:14Z  
3       1013.47   38.826     0.348     38.452     39.633     38.451     0.344     38.080     39.250     6.7958   6.7837   35.0129   35.0124    6.73135   99.26245     27.4573  27.4585    27.4568  27.4580    6.7993    0.0036   6.7891    6.8054    6.7873     0.0168    6.7460     6.8047     3.512895  0.000337  3.512025  3.513514  3.511734   0.001485  3.508217   3.513339   2.3217    0.0013   2.3199    2.3248    93.5380    0.0916    93.4152    93.7494    0.2672      0.0039     0.2582      0.2725      2.2416     0.0861    2.0988     2.3918     0.6041801      0.0079158     0.5902344      0.6195385      7924      35       7864      7984      2012-07-03T10:13:28Z  
4       1013.60   39.039     0.165     38.827     39.402     38.662     0.163     38.452     39.021     6.7658   6.7556   35.0140   35.0130    6.72442   99.09274     27.4623  27.4628    27.4618  27.4624    6.7693    0.0102   6.7260    6.7859    6.7592     0.0159    6.7191     6.7792     3.510243  0.000853  3.506612  3.511602  3.509213   0.001336  3.506149   3.511111   2.3205    0.0009   2.3187    2.3224    93.7115    0.1027    93.5694    93.8779    0.2598      0.0044     0.2527      0.2659      2.2501     0.1284    2.0695     2.3918     0.5885997      0.0100804     0.5731404      0.6073284      8113      35       8053      8173      2012-07-03T10:13:36Z  
5       1013.75   39.062     0.166     38.719     39.233     38.685     0.164     38.345     38.854     6.7557   6.7426   35.0135   35.0134    6.72140   99.02478     27.4632  27.4649    27.4627  27.4645    6.7592    0.0102   6.7318    6.7686    6.7462     0.0157    6.7255     6.7760     3.509261  0.000902  3.506944  3.510030  3.508050   0.001296  3.506493   3.510761   2.3176    0.0011   2.3151    2.3200    93.8125    0.0931    93.6465    93.9550    0.2555      0.0040     0.2494      0.2626      2.1789     0.0272    2.1354     2.2306     0.6077119      0.0255770     0.5731404      0.6561685      8338      35       8278      8398      2012-07-03T10:13:45Z  
6       1015.07   26.435     0.188     26.060     26.696     26.181     0.186     25.809     26.439     7.7502   7.7522   34.9968   34.9967    7.20562   108.57699    27.3086  27.3082    27.3082  27.3078    7.7528    0.0067   7.7375    7.7653    7.7548     0.0126    7.7163     7.7732     3.599081  0.000548  3.597865  3.600066  3.599247   0.001052  3.596252   3.600749   2.4847    0.0088   2.4702    2.4983    87.5209    0.3998    86.7574    87.9656    0.5332      0.0183     0.5129      0.5682      3.3457     0.1368    3.2196     3.7251     0.8930629      0.0517004     0.8490867      1.0004908      10218     35       10158     10278     2012-07-03T10:15:04Z  
7       1015.18   26.086     0.257     25.722     26.511     25.835     0.254     25.474     26.255     7.7538   7.7675   34.9992   34.9968    7.21713   108.76077    27.3100  27.3060    27.3096  27.3057    7.7564    0.0248   7.6584    7.7725    7.7700     0.0081    7.7392     7.7815     3.599614  0.002155  3.590922  3.601016  3.600659   0.000794  3.597599   3.601597   2.5004    0.0017   2.4971    2.5044    88.1247    0.1180    87.9399    88.2740    0.5057      0.0054     0.4989      0.5141      3.3037     0.1117    3.1684     3.5053     0.8783302      0.0267126     0.8246667      0.9150208      10398     35       10338     10458     2012-07-03T10:15:11Z  
8       1015.28   26.122     0.163     25.889     26.449     25.871     0.161     25.640     26.194     7.7621   7.7728   34.9991   34.9972    7.23907   109.11187    27.3086  27.3056    27.3083  27.3052    7.7647    0.0055   7.7592    7.7809    7.7753     0.0077    7.7630     7.7859     3.600381  0.000514  3.599894  3.601879  3.601194   0.000710  3.600102   3.602271   2.5088    0.0012   2.5056    2.5117    88.3731    0.0776    88.1712    88.5054    0.4944      0.0035     0.4884      0.5036      3.2367     0.0162    3.1830     3.2709     0.8581483      0.0276271     0.8271087      0.9125788      10546     35       10486     10606     2012-07-03T10:15:17Z  
9       1015.40   26.345     0.122     26.003     26.585     26.091     0.121     25.753     26.329     7.7655   7.7617   34.9995   34.9996    7.24185   109.16253    27.3085  27.3091    27.3081  27.3087    7.7681    0.0048   7.7605    7.7756    7.7643     0.0052    7.7585     7.7734     3.600749  0.000421  3.600055  3.601429  3.600404   0.000467  3.599842   3.601236   2.5097    0.0007   2.5080    2.5105    88.2222    0.1581    87.9913    88.5054    0.5013      0.0072     0.4884      0.5117      3.1905     0.0145    3.1610     3.2123     0.8532845      0.0208293     0.8319927      0.9150208      10702     35       10642     10762     2012-07-03T10:15:24Z